How Much Time Does It Take to Become Australian?


Wondering how long it takes to be considered Australian? This probably appears in your mind if you’re thinking about becoming an Aussie citizen; the path to getting your Australian citizenship is made up of different stages: such as getting a visa, living in Australia for a set amount of time, and ultimately, filling out your citizenship application.

We’re here to sketch out the timeline for you and go through each needed step; this primary, or main, guide will bring clarity: addressing your inquiries and setting clear expectations, suitable for anyone eager to call Australia their home, or just planning to get the details on the procedure.

How to Become an Aussie: Simple Steps

  1. Getting Your Visa

To begin your journey toward becoming an Australian citizen, you must start by getting a visa. Choosing the right visa depends on why you’re heading to Australia – could be for work, school, or to be with family. Getting a visa isn’t extremely quick. Sometimes, it’s a few months long wait, or it can even stretch to a couple of years, all because of what visa you’re going for and your own personal details.

2.Living in Australia Forever: Permanent Residency

Once you have your visa, the next thing on your list is to get Permanent Residency (PR). You might be thinking, getting PR sounds complex–but really, most people can apply for it after they’ve been in Australia for a bit—usually around 2 to 4 years—with the right sort of visa. Having PR is amazing because it means you can stay and work in Australia as long as you want.

Even more, it’s a major step you need to complete before you can apply for citizenship.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Becoming Australian


1.Full Rights as a Citizen: As an Australian citizen, you can vote, apply for government jobs, and receive a passport.
2.ecurity and Stability: Citizenship provides long-term security and the right to remain in Australia indefinitely.
3.Access to Benefits: Citizens have access to social services, healthcare, and education benefits that may not be available to non-citizens.


1.Time Commitment: The process to become a citizen can be lengthy, requiring several years of residency and processing time.
2.Cost: Application fees and costs associated with obtaining visas and residency can add up.
3.Dual Citizenship Issues: Some countries may not allow dual citizenship, meaning you may have to give up your original citizenship to become Australian.

Problems and Concerns

  1. Long Wait Times for Citizenship:

When you want to become a citizen, you might have to wait more time than you thought because so many people are applying, you didn’t fill in the form right, or they need to check you out more; this means the whole process takes longer than you first thought it would.

2.Having to Stick to Living Rules:

You have to live in Australia for a certain amount of time before you can become a citizen. If you don’t do that exactly right, you could end up either waiting longer or getting your application thrown out. It’s extremely important to make sure you’ve done everything they ask for.

  1. Figuring Out How to Fit In

Getting used to speaking English the way Australians do and understanding how things work here to really be a bit tough for some people; this can make taking the citizenship test harder because you have to know both the language and the culture very well.

Dos for Getting Your Australian Citizenship

  1. Keep a Planning Eye on Costs
    It’s crucial to be aware of all the expenses involved, from visa application fees to citizenship fees. Ensure you have a clear understanding of the costs to avoid any financial surprises.
  2. Ensure All Your Paperwork is Accurate
    Double-check every piece of documentation to ensure it’s correct. Providing the right data from the start will help avoid unnecessary delays in your application process.
  3. Monitor Your Residency Requirements
    Keeping track of how long you’ve been outside of Australia is vital. Make sure you meet the eligibility requirements for residency by carefully managing your time abroad.
  4. Prepare for the Citizenship Exam
    Dive deep into the materials on Australian values and history. Thorough preparation will increase your chances of passing the citizenship test on your first attempt.

Don’ts for Getting Your Australian Citizenship

  1. Ignore Visa Conditions
    Treating visa conditions as though they don’t apply to you is a recipe for trouble. Ensure you stick to the rules laid out for your visa and permanent residency to avoid complications.
  2. Miss Deadlines
    Missing deadlines is a habit you can’t afford when it comes to citizenship. Always ensure your applications and any required responses are sent on time to avoid setbacks in your citizenship process.


1.Is there a minimum language skill I need to become an Australian citizen?

You must show you can understand simple English and get through a test about language and what it means to be Australian.

2.Can you be a citizen in Australia and another country at the same time?

Definitively, Australia is happy with you having dual citizenship — just make sure your other country is potentially amenable to it too.

3.How quickly after I get my permanent residency can I ask to become a citizen?

There’s waiting time. You must be a permanent resident for at least 12 months before you apply for citizenship.

4.What if they say no to my citizenship application?

You have options like challenging their decision or simply trying again; the key thing is to figure out why you got the no and fix it.

5.How much time will it take to become an Australian citizen?

It might drag out from 4 to 7 years, give or take, based on what visa you have and how long you’ve lived here.

My Advice

Chasing Australian citizenship? Here’s the complete picture: get ready for a bit of a wait and do your homework. Begin things as soon as possible, watch how long you’ve been here, and learn for that citizenship quiz.

If things get confusing, maybe get some expert advice. Walking through this with your eyes open, and everything in order, means you’ll probably make it.


Becoming an Australian citizen isn’t exactly speedy; it’s a marathon. It might feel a bit daunting – with all the steps like getting a visa, keeping permanent residency for a good while, and then asking to become a citizen–but – and it may seem hard to believe – we can take comfort in the fact that, with some hard work and learning new information, becoming an Aussie citizen is within reach.

Possibly–but by no means probably, if you tackle it intelligent and informed, and keep at it, you’ll be calling Australia home before too long.

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